An Intro to R
Learn the Fundamentals of the R Language
In this course you'll learn the basics of R and RStudio, from instalment to statistical analysis and visualization of real-world hockey data. By the completion of the final section, you will have acquired and honed all the tools required to answer all manner of questions relating to hockey analytics or indeed any field.
Your Instructor
Creator and webmaster of Corsica.
Frequently Asked Questions
I have no prior programming experience. Is this course for me?
Yes! This course is designed to guide you through the very basics of R, starting with installation. It is not necessary or expected that you have any previous knowledge of computer programming.
How long is the course?
There are eight sections, each with anywhere between one and seven lectures. The entire course should keep a casual learner occupied for several weeks.
Why R?
There are a multitude of alternatives to R that could serve as equally effective tools for hockey analysis. I offer a course for R because it is my specialty, and I feel its strengths are well suited to analytics. R is popular among hockey stats enthusiasts, making it easier to connect, collaborate and share knowledge with others. In addition, learning the basics of R is a precursor for use of the coRsica package.
Are there deadlines to complete the lectures or can I learn at my own pace?
There are no deadlines. Once enrolled, students can work through the course material at their own convenience.